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2020-7-21 · Simplify the research process for nursing staff and students with this curated e-book collection designed for use in hospitals, medical institutions and academic institutions. From clinical guides and evidence-based practice manuals, to practical handbooks and professional growth titles, this collection provides researchers the information they Databases for literature searching - Medical Library 2020-7-20 · Great starting point for any health or medical literature search. Embase via Raven Embase via NHS ATHENS (Select OpenAthens Login) Very complementary to Medline with strengths in pharmacology, drug research & toxicology. CINAHL via NHS ATHENS: Prime source of nursing and allied health literature. Emcare via NHS ATHENS (Select OpenAthens Login) Medical Journals & Clinical Research Database | doctorAsyou 2020-7-14 · Comprehensive database Use the search database platform to discover articles and original research. doctorAsyou is a web portal that optimizes and simplifies the online research process of the most relevant scientific medical information, for a continuous updating, Electronic Databases & Directories: Alphabetical List 2020-7-19 · Database Restrictions for databases marked "On-site Access Only": License agreements between the NLM and the database vendors or producers limit use of the subscription databases to staff and on-site visitors. The database vendors copyright the Web-based database search pages. The database producers copyright the databases.
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Finding a Clinical Trial | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
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2018-11-6 · Search NIH Clinical Research Studies The NIH maintains an online database of clinical research studies taking place at its Clinical Center, which is located on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. Studies are conducted by most of the institutes and centers across the NIH. Research----Chinese Academy of Sciences